As you will know, we believe that a collaborative approach with our clients is the best way to achieve the best results in the most efficient manner. At the heart of this is good communication between us and this is an area where we seek to continuously improve.
To that end, we have introduced a “live chat” facility on our website, which we think may make a real difference by making simple contact much easier.
Just click on the icon and type your message (or attach a document) and we will respond in real-time. Our website can be found here.
You may wish to arrange a collection or raise a query – in either case this may be quicker than using the telephone or email.
Why not give it a go?
We always welcome feedback on our service and want to ensure that we do what we can to meet your needs and expectations.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any specific requests. For example, if you would like to instruct a specific member of our team, then please let us know in the letter of instruction and we will always try our very best to accommodate you.